A new book in my collection

Lame lazy me. Nothing "cool" to tell. I still waiting to do something nice with my time. At least, I'm going to the gym in my free time now :)
One of my teachers said that we're  going to use a certain book this semester. It is a bit expensive, for my taste. But Momma gave it to me because it's because college only. The book arrived last weekend and I have to admit that it's amazing, full of pictures and all. Spent my Sunday looking the pictures of the book and watching docs about Versailles and Louvre 

 New book and my amazing cell phone wallpaper

 Testing new things with the camera

 Warm Sunday

 The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, Bernini
 The Virgin and child with Saint Anne, Da Vinci
 Laocoön Group, Agesander Athenodoros and Polydorus
 Winged Victory, Pythokritos
 The Rape of Sabine, Giambologna
 The Rape of Sabine, detail


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